Sustainability objectives


ESG Topic Objective Status Comment
E Responsible investments Set a long-term environmental performance target that covers energy, greenhouse gas emissions, water and waste by 2020 by 2030 in progress In the determination phase, activity mainly linked to the renovation plans of the properties expected in the next 5 years
E Certification of properties Obtain sustainability certification for 50% of the assets under direct management for at least 2 years, by 2020 completed As of December 31st, 2019, 56% of COIMA RES’s portfolio is LEED certified. We plan to achieve the LEED Gold certification also for the Corso Como Project which would bring to 64% the portion of the portfolio certified
Achieve certification to the Well Building Standard for one asset under management by 2020 in progress The realization of the Corso Como project will be completed in 2020
Commit to procuring 100% renewable energy across our directly managed assets by 2020 completed All electrical power supply contract of the buildings directly managed have been transfered to a 100% renewable energy production
S Stakeholder engagement Develop a green procurement guide for property managers to promote more sustainable procurement practices across our supply chain by 2019 in progress A green procurement policy has been developed and will be presented for approval to the BoD in 2020
S Tenant satisfaction and quality services To develop, in collaboration with the Pan European Think Tank, a specific market investigation into the requirements of office tenants, with particular attention to generational changes and future trends completed Activities completed during the year and results available on the COIMA RES website
Continuously involve existing and new tenants to develop responses and solutions to the feedback collected with the annual survey on tenant satisfaction completed Ongoing dialogue with tenants
G Transparency in governance Maintain the EPRA Gold Award for the annual financial and sustainability report completed COIMA RES has received from EPRA in 2019, and for the third year in a row, the Gold Award for its financial and sustainability report
G Economic performance Develop key performance indicators to track the economic value created from sustainability initiatives by 2019 in progress The wider development of KPI evaluation of ESG performance is underway through the application of COIMA Roots, a framework developed to measure and analyse ESG impacts


ESG Scope Goal TIME HORIZON Comment
E Portfolio decarbonisation Reduce portfolio emissions and consumption 2021 Analysis of the environmental performance of buildings, technical and economic evaluation of possible areas for improvement in relation to EU de-carbonisation objectives
2021-2022 Definition of the portfolio de-carbonisation plan
From 2022 onwards Monitoring and reporting of the results obtained
Certification of buildings Application of sustainability certifications in portfolio properties Timing related to the process of renovating buildings Application of LEED and WELL sustainability certifications in buildings undergoing redevelopment or new construction
S Stakeholder engagement Reduction of consumption and emissions 2021-2022 Meetings with the main tenants of the properties to analyze the ESG performance of the properties and to identify potential interventions for the reduction of environmental impacts
G Transparency in governance Annual financial report, sustainability and Corporate Governance Report n.m. Maintain EPRA's Gold Award for Financial and Sustainability Report for the Year 2020
2023 Application of TCFD recommendations in the annual reporting